Tuesday, 22 October 2019

What is piles? Treatment of Piles-Natural Relief From Piles

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, know that they can be extremely painful and often embarrassing. They can have a serious impact on your daily life and can even cause you a lot of discomforts.

The fact that victims are often the target of jokes and humor does not help to hinder. Although it may sound funny to be someone else, they do not like it. This is a serious illness that needs to be treated fairly quickly.

What are piles? piles in Britain are better known as piles in India. To avoid confusion about the spelling to use, because I do not know where you come from, I will call them only by their common name, hemorrhoids.

Piles is a condition in which the veins around the anus or lower rectum become inflamed and swollen. These veins can be affected both indoors and outdoors.

In simple terms, inside the anus, we have three cushions called hemrahydal cushions. These are part of our anatomy and help to reduce the passage of feces in the passageway. The problem occurs when these cushions become inflamed or expand and are called piles.

Treatment of piles

IIt is Successful piles treatment must be designed to eliminate the disease completely. Most piles treatments, such as ayurvedic product, ointments, suppositories, and many other over-the-counter medications, they simply relieve the disease, without getting rid of it.

Before discussing the efficient treatment of piles, let's take a look at what is piles and what they are.

Piles Home remedies

Definition and reason: Piles  (called hemorrhoids) are blood vessels in the anus. They are caused by too much pressure in the rectum, causing the expansion and expansion of the vein to form a mass called heap or hemorrhage.

Children are hereditary and their main reasons are: lifting heavy objects, getting tired during a saddle, staying in the same position (especially in the toilet) and for a very long time during childbirth.
As soon as the piles become clear, it is necessary to find a treatment for the piles as soon as possible.

Symptoms - What is the treatment of hemorrhoids?

Internal hemorrhoids do not have many symptoms due to their proximity to the bottom of the anus. Most people do not know that they have this disease and therefore do not want to treat hemorrhoids and leave it until the disease starts bleeding. It normally occurs during bowel movements. In the case of blood, it is necessary to find a remedy immediately on hemorrhoids.

The treatment of external piles is even more important due to the many symptoms produced by external piles. These range from itching and discomfort to burning and extreme pain. Let's look at the efficient treatment of piles.


A proven and effective remedy such as heel hemorrhoids will provide immediate relief from hemorrhoids and eliminate the disease completely. Even if you have hemorrhoids that are bleeding, the treatment of healing natural oils is to cleanse your condition.

Piles Relief Tips:

Sitz Bath - Sitz bath can be very soothing and will help to reduce swelling, persistent itching, pain and reduce bleeding or even stop bleeding. This can be done in your bathtub if it is clean. However, most health professionals recommend buying seat baths that fit the toilet seat.

These can be purchased at the local pharmacy. If you decide to use your bathtub, you will only need a few inches of hot water in the tub, just enough to cover the anus. A soothing bath can be made with baking soda, Epsom salt, sea salt or herbal remedies. If possible, you should take it 2 or 3 times a day and about 10 to 20 minutes at a time. When finished, you should dry and not rub.

Ice Buns - Ice buns are great for reducing swelling and pain caused by piles. It only takes 10 to 15 minutes to get quick relief with an ice pack. A bag of ice will numb the area and reduce the swelling of piles.

High Fiber Diet - Hair is irritated daily during a bowel movement. If you increase your daily fiber intake with all-natural foods such as leafy green vegetables, fresh fruits, and whole-grain cereals, you will soften your stool and reduce stress during bowel movements. This will help speed up the time needed for faster healing of your piles.

Drink water - If you drink 2 or 3 glasses of 8 ounces of water with each meal, you hydrate the body and help soften the stool. It works best with a high fiber diet and will also help you lose weight.

Walking - Walking will help digest food and reduce mealtime in the large intestine. When food takes longer in the large intestine, it tends to absorb water from that food. When this happens, you may have a hard stool or constipation, which is one of the main causes of hemorrhoids.

As you can see, there are many piles-saving tips that can be combined, such as walking, eating well, drinking water. This will help give you quick relief from the Piles home remedies food and it can be as simple as a change in lifestyle and diet.

Read more:

What is piles: treatment of piles home remedies

1 comment:

  1. Nice Post
    Dr. Sushant Wadhera offers one of the best piles treatment in Delhi he offers latest painless piles (hemorrhoids) surgery


What is piles? Treatment of Piles-Natural Relief From Piles

If you suffer from hemorrhoids, know that they can be extremely painful and often embarrassing. They can have a serious impact on your d...